Ashley, Daniel & Kayden

Daniel and I have been married for almost 10 years, sometimes I think its safe to say we got that part of life down pat.  It’s the goats that keep us on our toes.  Having goats is and has always been quite the adventure. As with any part of the farm life it has its ups and downs, but I can’t say that I would trade it. Now, if you ask Daniel that question, he might say he would trade the cold, the heat, fencing, building along with loading and unloading hay. LOL!! I will admit, he does sometimes get the worst of the jobs.

Kayden is our teenage son who like most teenagers varies from day to day on how he feels about everything and everyone.  No one gets more excited when a kid is born, or the goats are climbing all over you then he does.  He is like the rest of us, works a lot to keep a healthy herd.  I have been so proud of the young man he has become while working our herd.  He is observant and cares for each one of our goats. There isn’t much that gets past him.

Ashleys Mom

My mom who we refer to as “Grams” moved to Kentucky from Mexico 7 years ago lives in a tiny home adjacent to our does pasture.  Lots of times I see her standing on her porch just watching the girls graze or run the fields bucking wild and free.  There has never been a kid here that she hasn’t snuggled with.  She is one hundred percent down to bottle feed or care for any kid here.  Last year she even delivered her first buckling.  If you meet my mom you will know she is quite the rockstar!